Sunday, September 14, 2008


So Once again we are back in Rexburg. Good to be back, but I have no motivation to go to school. I just want to be done. I want to be able to stay home and play with the family. I'm jealous that Jared gets to play with her every morning(she is happiest in the morning). Ky is getting so stinking big. She is rolling over, playing with toys and toes, talking all the time, and still not sleeping through the night. She is so sporadic. For like a week she will sleep through the night and then for the next two she will be up at four ready to play. Any suggestions on getting her to stay asleep?


Shauna said...

Have you started her on rice cereal yet? Some moms swear that solids help babies stay full longer and therefore sleep longer. I don't know if that's true, but she'll love making a mess with the food!

Shauna said...

Oh yeah, and we need more pictures of Kylia!
Love y'all!

Karlee said...

My only suggestion is BABYWISE. I will swear by it til I die! Go the Barnes and Noble and pick it up. I promise, it'll change your life FOREVER! Everyone I know who's done it has had success!

Critchfield fam said...

I love the blog makeover! Nice videos too! No advice, sorry...I love the sleep book "Healthy sleep habits, happy child." It totally worked for Kailee. We miss you guys!