Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Saturday was probably the last beautiul day until next summer. So, Jared and I decided that we should take advantage of it. Kylia, Jared, and I all went to the park and we found that Ky LOVES the swings. She laughed and laughed. There were other people at the park (with more than one kid) and we could tell that they were laughing at us because we were taking so many pictures. As we were leaving, they said, "first kid? We were just like you guys!" Kids are great! I L-O-V-E being a mom. It really is the greatest!

Little girls are so much fun! I can't even believe how my life has changed in the last little while. Suddenly my world has started revolving around her. I know we are going to regret it, but Jared and I spoil her to death. She gets almost everything that she wants. She is such a good baby that we can't help but spoil her.

She has finally started sleeping through the night and it is wonderful. It makes a world of a difference not having to get up 6-7 times a night.


Lauralee Altice said...

She is so cute and getting so big! It's cute how much babies love swings. We have a park right by our place so I try to take Camden there as often as I can.
Little baby laughs are so fun!

Jenni said...

Ok, hello there cutest parents EVER! Seriously- i LOVE the pictures and I love how much you love being a mom! She is BEATIFUL!!!!!!!!

Aaron & Jamie Myers said...

So glad to hear she's sleeping through the night for you. P.S. Those are some precious pictures!

Lance and Nikki said...

I can't believe how big she's getting! She probably graows as fast as my tummy, ha ha but sher really is so cute!

Clay & Kristin said...

those are adorable pictures, but take off the bare butt ones and I'll love your blog even more! ps i will probably take a billion pictures of my baby when i have it in 8 years. = )

Natalie said...

Hey what's your email? Grandma will love the calendar I did that last yr. Are you going to TX for Christmas?